每当购买我们的胎毛笔,即可享受一次免费剪发服务。胎毛笔是由婴儿最初剪下的毛发制成,加上刻有祝愿及鼓励的木制支架,它将成为一份最有心思、最特别的新生礼物。 马上订购,为宝宝送上您诚挚的祝愿吧。
您可能觉得将不同的文化价值揉合成一至两种产品是不可能的任务,但我们却能做到。胎毛笔及脐带印章便是两种蕴藏了极大文化、功用及收藏价值的宝物--胎毛笔是由婴儿初次剪下的毛发制成,刻有持有人的名字、生日及祝颂语;脐带印章则通过一个琉璃容器保留脐带,更在底部刻上名字,将父母与子女的爱长久保存。 这两项都是爱的象征。而华夏艺术生活有限公司是由Sam Fu于2003年成立,他对中国文化拥有独特的眼界,并将胎毛笔及脐带印章带到新加坡。直至现在,我们仍然是新加坡唯一一间生产此类产品的公司。
更多Very happy with the doorstep service! It's such a meaningful event to shave Kyan's newborn hair and have a simple ceremony to commemorate the event. Thumbs up to Gracee for her patience...as baby needed his power nap and then milk, while she did her paperwork. Highly recommended for all parents to consider doing the calligraphy brush and cord stamp. 💓
By Lucy Yeo 16/5/2017
Great service! Thank you.
By Kane Tan 22/3/2017
Excellent service from Gracey of Huaxia Taimaobi, allowing our Nathan to feel comfortable and happy during his first haircut on his 100th day - The making of his 16th bdae gift from us!
By Siew Lian J\'mie Yap 18/3/2017